Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Photos

Family Readiness Group Easter Egg Hunt. The attendance was slightly better than last year, but not sure it is worth the effort to plan. Sis fell on the cement shortly after this photo and got a busted lip. Oh my heart just broke, to see her with the big smile on her face running towards the eggs and then in no time, on the ground with a fat bloody lip. Thankfully, Jerry was there and we cared for her together. Every time things like this happen I just think to myself, thank god for a second hand. I don't ever want to be a single parent. It was just too hard.

Ms. Sophia is interested in sitting on the potty with TP close by , but that is about it.

Legs are almost long enough.

With 2 hands so much more can be accomplished. Jerry and I recovered our dining set chairs. Fabric is from Sew to Speak which is a cool fabric store in Clintonville.

Welcome Home Jerry

Wow, I am sorry for not posting earlier. Life has been crazy adjusting. Sophia and Dad have become BFF's. I don't even know where to start. All, I can say is RELIEF! It's so nice to have Jerry home.

Long Time...

Grandma with grandaughters.

Grandpa Grove with Ryan & Sophia.

Sophia with Aunt Christie & cousin Ryan

Sophia, Cousin Maria & Reece taking a bath in Grandma & Grandpa's new bath.

Sophia clipping baby's nails.