Wednesday, July 30, 2008


At this moment there are just a few things to report.

-Hospice has brought in a bed, which we hope will make his father more comfortable. The Hospice nurses are very caring and helpful.

-Harold is grouchy and hard on his care givers. Thankfully, his caregivers have a lot of patience and there are a lot of family & friends rotating through the home.

-Their continues to be a lot of visitors and at this moment they are welcomed.

-Jerry is spending the days in Athens with his family. Sophia is with her Nanny's & I am working. Jerry spent the night on Monday, but last night he came home to spend with us.

-The Mourn Family Reunion on Sunday is cancelled.

-Sophia is winning the triple gold star for making her mom crazy! She is going to Nationals next. In fact, I think she will skip over the Nationals and go straight to the Olympics.
I can't put a finger on her tantrums and endless screaming. Here are my thoughts.
-She does not like Jerry and I together.
-She is testing Jerry to see if she will get any attention from him.
-Her eczema is itching and she is miserable.
*Today, I looked up a class at the Elizabeth Blackwell Center to see a Toddler/Parent class to dissect her behavior. Too bad they are not until September.

-At this time, I don't have vacation planned. We will see how things progress.

I will post more soon.