Friday, February 29, 2008


Wow, it has been a week! It seems that every week gets crazier and crazier! I was sent two angels this week.

Grandma Grove came to visit last Wednesday and stayed for a week. She was such a big help. I need to list my favorite things...

1. Every snowy morning, she was out early scooping my driveway.

2. Watched Sophia for some long days while I was at work.

3. Helped make the nurse calls to sister Christie for some advise how to mask my flu symptoms.

4. Pushed me to complete the sewing of Heidie's stylized bow for her wedding dress & work on Heidie & Shu's scrap book.

5. Did not complain an ounce about the working men fixing my bathroom floor and painting the trim.

Now, I would like to list some classic Joan Grove moments.....

1. We had started an assembly line for Heidie's wedding dress bow. I sewed the bias strips bows and she would press them. Well, GG brought down the Linen Temperature Iron onto the fine/delicate organza bow and melted our hard work away. Now, GG has a 1960's Home Economic Teaching Degree. She will need to go back to University of Northern Iowa for some refresher classes.

2. Every chance she got, she flipped the wrong light switch in the dining room and powered down everything.

3. GG went shopping at Macy's and brought home 4 bed pillows. She packed two in her suitcase and carried two in the plane.
4. Then her flight did not leave on Tuesday and she re-appeared like Groundhogs day. Poor GG had to spend the entire day in the Airport. I just felt horrible and worried. She reassured me, that she enjoyed reading her "Eat, Pray, Love" book all day. She is so generous and never complains.

My 2nd Angel that appeared is Sister in Law Janalee Mourn. She arrived from her business trip in Illinois. Janalee is from Houston, Texas and she came to visit her family in Athens.

I have not mentioned it on this blog, but I am planning an Easter Egg Hunt for the family readiness group next saturday. There are 150 families in Jerry's unit. So, needless to say I have had a lot on my plate. I have been worried about filling the Easter eggs with goodies. Not to mention my supplies had not arrived. However, when we got home there was a box from Oriental Trading with all the supplies and eggs. Below is a photo of Janalee busy filling 480 Easter eggs with goodies. I can't tell you the stress that was lifted from my chest after she completed this task. Thank you Janalee.