Sunday, January 13, 2008

Weekend # 2

When you find out a family member is leaving, so much of your life is put on hold. You always think... I will get to that later.

So now that the band aid is ripped off, I have the opportunity to focus on just Sophia and I....
My very exciting Friday night was filled by feeding my OCD with cleaning my closet and room. It was so nice to purge all those items that were haunting me every time I looked in the closet or opened my dresser. Not to mention the amount of dust that had accumulated on the furniture.

Saturday, Sophia and I woke up at the crack of dawn to go to Baby Yoga class. Now all you parents know that taking a baby anywhere is quite a challenge. All the stuff you need to carry in case of an emergency is a just as heavy as the baby. Sophia and I got adjusted at the Elizabeth Blackwell Center for our time together and hopefully improve my physique. Well, Sophia did not cooperate, I spent the entire time meeting her needs and learning 3 poses. Let me say that again, 3 poses. Then the class was over, just 30 minutes. Ugh.

After the yoga class Sophia and I went to Dr. Messick's office for Part 1 flu shot. Sophia loves to lay on the tear off paper tables. She gets so excited, flaying her arms, legs and tearing the paper. Forget all her toys at home, I am purchasing medical paper next Christmas for her. The nurse pointed the shot so precisely and quickly that Sophia did not even know what hit her. There were a few tears, but after I picked her up there was a smile.

Next we rushed from the Dr. Office to DSCC for the Family Readiness Meeting. There was a great turn out of family members there. Mostly wives to the Solider. The commander called in and talked to us about how everything is going in Texas. Much like many of my conversations with Jerry, I sensed frustration in his voice. It seems there are a lot of changes happening, and they are at the last minute. I think he is afraid to give any outdated information. He mentioned their medical immunizations, training and the weather. I know they are working from dawn to dusk. He told us a little about their living conditions which are tight. He tried to squash any rumors which thankfully are very few at this time. They also brought in a speaker who talked to us about stress management.

There were a few tears at the meeting by spouses, which breaks my heart. I was so happy to have Sophia in my arms to hold and hide my tears I was shedding for this beautiful and strong lady. After the meeting was over, they gave us these lovely pins and pillow cases with photos of our family members. Thank you NW Ohio Military Friends for making the pillowcases and pins for us. I got the honor to place the pins on the proud children's chest over their heart.

So to move onto a lighter note, our lovely neighbors Abbi & Gracie Bressoud are selling Girl Scout Cookies. They are carrying a sign that says...."Gift of Caring, You can donate cookies to our soldiers over seas." How cute and thoughtful is that! So far, they said they have around 50 boxes donated. Thank you!