Sunday, March 29, 2009

More Photos

Family Readiness Group Easter Egg Hunt. The attendance was slightly better than last year, but not sure it is worth the effort to plan. Sis fell on the cement shortly after this photo and got a busted lip. Oh my heart just broke, to see her with the big smile on her face running towards the eggs and then in no time, on the ground with a fat bloody lip. Thankfully, Jerry was there and we cared for her together. Every time things like this happen I just think to myself, thank god for a second hand. I don't ever want to be a single parent. It was just too hard.

Ms. Sophia is interested in sitting on the potty with TP close by , but that is about it.

Legs are almost long enough.

With 2 hands so much more can be accomplished. Jerry and I recovered our dining set chairs. Fabric is from Sew to Speak which is a cool fabric store in Clintonville.

Welcome Home Jerry

Wow, I am sorry for not posting earlier. Life has been crazy adjusting. Sophia and Dad have become BFF's. I don't even know where to start. All, I can say is RELIEF! It's so nice to have Jerry home.

Long Time...

Grandma with grandaughters.

Grandpa Grove with Ryan & Sophia.

Sophia with Aunt Christie & cousin Ryan

Sophia, Cousin Maria & Reece taking a bath in Grandma & Grandpa's new bath.

Sophia clipping baby's nails.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Photos Only

Sophia and Max at OSU Hockey Game. Max is the son of Major Michael Draper and we met as a family readiness group for an evening out. Sophia was totally overstimulated by the loud music, OSU band, white hockey floor & all the lovely FRG mom's who wanted to hold her.

Jerry running a race. Looks pretty fit huh......

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Flu + Epiphany

No Mom, I did not get my flu shot. It has NOT been part of my Emergency Daily To Do List. Getting a Flu shot from the pharmacist just seems a little weird.

This is what my to do list has been renamed. It has been elevated to "Emergency Only" to do list. As I mentioned earlier I am overwhelmed by my To Do list that it feels the only tasks that I can complete are Emergencies.

So yes, since I did not listen to my mom I was hit hard by the flu bug Thursday night. However, I must say that the bug patiently waited until I finished watching "Grey's Anatomy". As I headed off to bed, I felt a ache in my tummy that did not seem normal. A couple hours later and many runs to the bathroom I had successfully removed any thing left in my stomach. I was so lucky, as I did not wake Sophia through the night, in fact I did not even need to touch her. I called Rosie my next door neighbor around 7:00am and asked her to come take Sophia out of her crib and feed her some breakfast. Then my Nanny Sabrina came and whisked her away to her home for the day. I then called in Sister n law reinforcement and Sylvia met Sabrina 1/2 way to care for her while I slept and recovered from the truck that hit me. It's now Sunday and I am feeling better. Aunt Jennifer will be bringing back Sophia tonight and watching her on Monday while her Nanny takes the day off. Thanks to friends, neighbors, employees, family for their help.

Is anyone watching a show called Crash? It's on Friday nights on Starz channel. It stars Dennis Hopper and some other very attractive cast members. Very interesting show about LA.
So my Epiphany.... On Wednesday, my Nanny called in sick "short notice" and I had to take the day off. I went into work with Sophia to collect my laptop and tech packs that needed to be built during Sophia's nap and after bed time. Sophia was not the most patient lady and she stuck out like a soar thumb, but everyone tolerated her and said she was adorable, etc. The Epiphany hit me later in the day and here is what it is......

I am okay not keeping up with the Jones at A&F. I am okay finding a less paying, 40 hour work week job. I am willing to make a career sacrifice in order to have a better personal/family life. So now that I have come to terms with this feeling, now I need to find what that new career/job is. I am getting closer. Still not there. The court reporting thing is still in my back mind.....

I love Sophia but it has be SO NICE not caring for her this weekend. I honestly don't think I could of done it.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Friday, October 24, 2008


So, I have really struggled to keep this blog thing moving. Here are a couple excuses. Work is still horrendous. I have become overwhelmed with completing tasks. Anger bug came back.

This little bug is a poisonous fella. It bites me mostly on the weekends....

Grandma Grove came to visit. I worked my mom to the bone. Every night, I had personal plans and it was nice to loosen the noose around my neck. I had drinks with girlfriends attended my friends Ron/Judy's wedding. I even ballroom danced with my friends. GG only powered down the TV, Home Lights once. Thankfully, it was not during Grey's Anatomy. She was a great help and seems to manage Sophia and completing tasks effortlessly. GG sang over and over to Sophia "This Little Light of Mine" and taught her how to hold up her finger like a candle. Too cute. Thanks mom for your help!

Above are a few photos from last Saturday Military Fall Picnic. We went to a local pumpkin farm as a Military Family Group. It's always great to catch up with the other moms and see what they are up too, how they are feeling. Did the angry bug bite them???? It also amazes me that the group attendance is so small. I am surprised that more people are not involved. There are probably a lot of military families out there that are feeling all alone. Or maybe they are busy?? The events are free, so it's not like there is cost involved. I am perplexed by the lack of attendance.

The word on the street is that Jerry will be home by Christmas. As my neighbor Bill said to me.... Tiffanie, if you were running a marathon you are at the last mile. I thought this was a good analogy. Of course this little pep talk was after a few frustrated words out of my mouth.....
Jerry and I talk daily. He calls me on my way to work as they have a 15 minute moral phone line. He says it's still really hot and everyone is anxious to get home. He has been watching OSU/Browns football games. He just turned 34 & we celebrated our anniversary.

I just got my absentee ballot. Can't wait to vote and make a CHANGE!